from €10,00
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5 Days Masai Mara, Lake Nakuru & Naivasha Safari


Eplore the great Masai Mara Game Reserve , known for the wildebeest migration and the big five.  Lake Nakuru, famous for flamigoes, rhinos. And Lake Naivasha for amazing boat rides & the hippos.


Day 1: Nairobi-Masai Mara

8.00 a.m. Depart for the Masai Mans Game Reserve, via the view-point of the Great Rift
Valley and Narok town for refueling, arriving Mara in lime for lunch. After lunch proceed for
a game drive, tracking various animal species and birds with your driver/guide. Dinner and
overnight all the campsite.8.00 a.m. Depart for the Masai Mans Game Reserve, via the viewpoint of the Great Rift Valley and Narok town for refueling, arriving Mara in lime for lunch.
After lunch proceed fora game drive, tracking various

Day 2: Maasai Mara

After breakfast proceed on a full day of game viewing within the reserve. The landscape here
is scenic savannah grassland on rolling hills. The reserve is the best park for game in Kenya
as it has an extensive road and track network which allows for close range viewing and
photography Break for your picnic lunch at the hippo pool, looking out for hippos and
crocodile. Dinner and overnight at the camp.

Day 3: Maasai Mara - Naivasha

After breakfast depart for Naivasha, arriving in time fo lunch. After lunch proceed for a game
drive in Hell' Gate National Park, Dinner and overnight at a budget hotel

Day 4: Naivasha - Nakuru

Early morning pre-breakfast game drive. After breakfast depart the Naivasha for Nakuru.
Lunch enroute, with scenic views of Mt, Longonot and Lake Naivasha from afar on the main
highway. Depart for Nairobi arriving in the evening.

Day 5: Nakuru - Nairobi

After breakfast proceeds on a game drive in Lake Nakuru Park, known for its prolic birdlife
including amingoes The park contains a sanctuary for the conservation of tr while rhino
while species like Cape buffalo arid waterbuck can be seen near the shoreline. Alter lunch
depart for Nairobi arriving in the evening.


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