from €10,00
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Loita (Maji Moto Nguruman) Walking Safari


This is an eco-tourism related programme for those in search of adventure while on foot and coming face to face with plains game and the Maasai people


Day 1

Depart Nairobi and passing through the Rift Valley to Narok Town. After half
hours drive from here you will be dropped at Maji Moto. A Swahili word
meaning hot water. Proceed on the Ndarara Manyattas for lunch. Walk for
1½ -2 hours to Ndarara Camp for dinner and overnight (this is not an established camp, but a makeshift camp as you assist your guide with pitching them up).

Day 2

After breakfast leave Ndarara to Letukunyi, this walk will take you 5 - 6 hrs
through the scattered bushes. Dinner and overnight at Letukunyi

Day 3

Depart Letukunyi early enough before the sun is too hot and pass to Narosora
for lunch or purchase what might be out of stock!! After some time with the
Maasai in this modern Maasai town proceed to Morinjo for diner and overnight
in a selected area

Day 4

Leave Morinjo and walk through the forest (this is one of the few remaining
true forestry wilderness area in East Africa). This walk takes you 5-6 hrs.
dinner and overnight at Enkutuo camp.

Day 5

We have two options:
(I)Leave Enkutut and pass along the left side of the Rift Valley via the
Nguruman Escarpment to Nguruman Town for Dinner and overnight at a
local hotel.
(ii)Or leave Enkututo not too early, walk leisurely for 4-5hrs to Njoroi
campsite for dinner and overnight. This camp has an excellent view of the
surrounding area which include Lake Magadi, Ngong Hills, Lake Natron in
Tanzania on a clear day

Day 6

After breakfast descend down the escarpment and through small farms to
Nguruman Town for your journey back to Nairobi via Lake Magadi and
Olgasaile Prehistoric sites sand arrive in Nairobi late afternoon


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